#gotPLAY ?


Can you play every day in May?

We want to live in a world where everyone plays at least a little bit every day. We believe this would lighten things up, connect us to each other, and help us tap into the best parts of ourselves.

Join us as we challenge you to play every day in May! With weekly events & themes, a little competition & a cash prize, we’re going to have the most playful month ever!

You do NOT have to have a 2024 H&P guidebook to participate! All are welcome!

How it works…

1- sign up

Sign up through this link, and set up a profile in our Community Garden (if you don’t have one already).

2 - RSVP to events

RSVP to any/all events we have scheduled (don’t forget to “add to calendar”)! These are worth the most points!

3 - make a plan

Start visualizing your play for the month! If you use H&P you can use that, but if not - go ahead and use your calendar! Use our themes below for ideas and start brainstorming ways you want to play!

4 - invite your friends

Invite your friends to join you! Not only is it more FUN to play with your people, you get extra points towards your cash prize when they tell us you referred them.

5 - share your play

Share your play! The more you share, the more points you get! See our point system below.

6 - notice how you feel

Notice how you feel! Of course it’s great to get points towards a prize - but we really want to notice how being playful every day impacts us. Make sure to reflect on how being so playful makes you feel!

How to get points …

refer a friend - 25 pts

Every friend you refer gets you 25 points! No limit on how many friends you sign up!

attend an event - 10 pts

We have 5 virtual events scheduled. You get 10 points for each one you attend and 100 (!!!) pt bonus if you attend them all!

post on Instagram - 10 pts

Post on your stories or your grid about your play! Must tag @hustleandplay and use hashtag #gotPLAY !

post in the Community Garden
- 10pts

Share your play in our “Play Room” in the Community Garden! No need to use hashtags as we’ll be able to see it!

attend all 5 events - 100 pts

Big time bonus for those who make it happen every week! Your ability to prioritize will be rewarded!

post to any channel everyday
- 100 pts per channel

If you post everyday to either/both Instagram and our Community Garden, you’ll get a bonus of 100 pts each!

Points updated in the Community Garden

Good Luck!

Good Luck!