

“It was the best personal and professional development I could have done for myself.”

The growth of my garden feeds the growth in yours.

Meet Dreya.
She’s been in our community since 2020.

“When we align with groups that share our values, we amplify our impact and support one another in the work of transformation.”

-adrienne maree brown

With over 100 members online & in real life, it’s fun & easy to grow the life of your dreams.

Hustle & Play community meet at their new year retreat

Peer Learning Groups

Courses & Workshops



  • Whether we're gathering at our monthly garden parties, participating in a PLAY or MOVE challenge, meeting up IRL at the New Year Kickoff Party, and/or celebrating the end of the year online or in Mexico - we are playing together all the time!

    When a group of folks who play everyday get together - trust us - the laughter is deep and the connections are real. We have fun y'all!

  • Our group chats are life GIVING - from playful examples of using the guidebook, to photos of each other at play, podcast recommendations, invitations to hang IRL, and more - our group chats are full of insight, humor & care for each other. This is a fun way to stay connected at whatever level you want to.


    We believe it's important to consume content that aligns with growing our dream life!

    Our library of podcasts, playlists, videos, and books are curated and crowdsourced to feed your mind, body & soul. Everything is easy to find & easy to consume.

  • We offer various ways to continuously learn. Whether it’s our 'weekly watering course,' which helps you plan your year over 12 weeks, or our seasonal workshops that connect you to the changing seasons.

    These offerings have a profound impact on connecting the use of the guidebook to our overall wellness. As we learn how our practices change our brains & bodies, we become more invested in the process over time.

  • "Our conversations were profound and helped us un-learn societal expectations. I left each session feeling rejuvenated and nourished!"

    Anyone can sit alone with a journal or a therapist (and they should!) but the courage to come into a group to learn and grow attracts a beautiful person ready to GET TO WORK. Ready to be different and live a life of their dreams, today.

    Each group has it's own focus, set of agreements for how the space is held, and treats the participants as the expert of their own lives.

    They meet monthly for 90 minutes on Zoom for the entire year. We will help you find the right group for you, get you oriented so you don't have to jump in the deep end, and we promise you'll see why 90% of folks come back year after year.

It all comes together at the end of the year in Mexico.

Meet Meagan. A therapist & author who attends every year.

we gather at Xinalani Resort for a week of play, rest & growth

only 15 members get access to this beautiful week

if you’re new to H&P

head over to our page just for you & keep scrolling for FAQ

“The community of Hustle & Play is what keeps me coming back.”

-Kelley Schwartz


about the guidebook

  • Less than 5 min. Your guidebook is much more of a weekly, monthly, and seasonal practice than a daily one.

    Focus on building a weekly ritual of about 30-45 min. If you can do this consistently for a few weeks you will naturally watch your daily practice build up, and once you’re there it’s less than 5-min a day to do gratitude and track habits. The bulk of the time is spent reflecting and visualizing each week/month/season.

  • You will definitely skip a week or 5 every year. Yes, every year.

    This guidebook (and H&P as a whole) is an invitation to grow the life of your dreams; it is not a pass/fail program.

    The truth is this guidebook is big & comprehensive, and it takes time to build a rhythm of using it throughout the seasons. We get to notice when we're more likely to be in our books and when we're not. We get to notice a difference in how we feel when we use H&P vs. when we don’t.

    If you feel better when you use it, then open to the page where you are, do a reflection and start again. Leave those blank pages be, or make an x through them, or make a note to yourself about why you think you skipped them, or rip the pages out, or go back to them if you feel called.

    It’s your book, your cycles, your needs.

  • If I only knew! All I can say is that the more you put into the early pages & stages of our program, the more you'll get out.

    So much of our work in our pages is allowing ourselves to dream in the first place. And depending on our starting point, that could move quickly or slowly.

    For most people it takes 4 full seasons to see how it all builds on itself, and how you feel more joyful & present day to day.

    I’m not here to sell you on “30/60/90 days to your best life!” because anyone selling that is LYING.

    1-2 years of sticking with the learning process will reward you with a dream life you wouldn't believe. In the scheme of things it’s nothing, but it won’t feel like it in the beginning. It’s hard at first — it doesn’t seem like the effort matches the reward. But, over time our conditioning starts to unwind, our lives start to untangle a bit, and we see progress in every area of our life.

    This progress, however big or small, becomes the solid foundation by which the exponential growth comes after year 2. Once you are no longer questioning the effort you are putting in and enjoying the opportunity to check in with yourself, its use in your routine becomes more joyful and easy. The results are more tangible, but most importantly, your attachment to “results” has changed entirely.

    It's important to remember that your work in your guidebook is actually sustainable, progressive, transformative internal systems change. You're re-wiring your brain in all kinds of ways. And, it is also sacred work that you are doing with your subconscious, your ancestors, and your future self. We are teaching ourselves how to grow our dream life and this is why it's so effective & FUN along the way!

  • Not anymore, for 2 reasons:

    1. The transformations we've seen in groups, workshops & retreats have been exponentially greater than those who do it alone, and

    2. We fundamentally believe that sustainable progress happens when we bring our efforts to each other in brave, facilitated, playful spaces.

    This is how we build a better world and disrupt the individualism that has gotten us far away from ourselves in the first place. Learning how to take our wisdom and share it creates opening for a new way of being in the world, and we think you'll find it's more fun and definitely more sustainable :).

  • It is so much more than a planner. Our book works in tandem with your planner or electronic calendar. There are no time-slots because it’s a tool to help us measure energy instead of how long things take.

    Think of your guidebook as your calendar’s friend who sits next to her and asks: “ok how does that appt. make you feel?” and then you put that appt. into the proper "hustle, play, push and/or move" category.

    This process helps you understand how your schedule aligns (or doesn't align with your values & dreams. It is challenging at first but gets easier quickly.

about the
community garden

  • You'll login from with your email and password.

    We recommend downloading the circle app from your app store on your phone as well.

    If you have questions on this just email

  • This is totally up to you! There are no "requirements" but there are recommendations based on how long you've been a part of H&P.

    If you're new, it's recommended to do the weekly watering course + 1 monthly group if you can.

    If you're returning, at least one monthly group is great, but there are more if you want them.

  • We got you. Our spaces are facilitated with kindness & care. You will never be put on the spot or required to share more than you're comfortable with.

    You will be celebrated for your amazing introvertedness! And we think you'll find lots of folks just like you in our community!

  • Learning H&P is an ongoing process that gets better the longer you do it. As our lives take shape around our dreams, every year after year one really varies from person to person.

    Year one is really the only year that follows a bit of a formula for learning the terminology, getting used to meeting in community, and understanding how to use the tools with the seasons. It's important that every new member follow these steps to enjoy the program and prevent overwhelm.

  • A peer learning group is facilitated with you as the expert! The H&P framework in the guidebook helps us dive deeper into ourselves, and the groups help us process what comes through. Groups are designed to have you talking at least 80% of the time. It's important for those conversations to be facilitated with care & structure, so you can share openly and utilize the power of speaking your dreams out-loud. We are present, excited to engage and with our cameras on - this helps build relationships over time and why 90% of members come back year after year.

    Courses on the other hand are taught with a teacher presenting concepts. The courses are centered on the research & practices that pair with our guidebook. Courses are very helpful in building your background knowledge, pointing you in the direction of resources to dive deeper, and having a chance to dialogue about where the activities in the book originate. The helps round out the changes happening in our brains & bodies by integrating our work in our guidebook into our daily lives.


  • This is the most common thing I hear, and exactly why we need H&P™. It’s a wonderful & courageous starting point to acknowledge we need help with this.

    In the US, we are systematically conditioned away from our play starting in middle school when they take away recess. Imagine 11 year olds no longer needing recess?! From that point on it’s about achievement in one way or another.

    Those with greater privilege have access to things like vacations and enrichment activities, and those with less privilege work harder to hopefully gain more access to play.

    Neither groups are “bad,” but both groups are taught that play is “earned.”

    Play is not earned, it's innate. Just take a look at babies or animals in the wild. You do know how to play but it might be buried under many layers of conditioning. This is why we need all the parts of the guidebook and the community. We need to peel back the layers, and usually - our playful self is ready for us to pick up all the things we love when we were little and get back to it!

    We're here to help explore this with you - it's a fun, experimental journey :)

  • Also the most common thing I hear. Your whole life might be hustle, but the more likely truth is that your whole life is naming hustle.

    What we pay attention to grows, and if we've spent a lifetime putting deadlines and obligations Into our calendars and then responding to its reminders all day - we have taught ourselves that our whole lives are hustle.

    But what about all the things that never make it to the calendar? The long walks? The book at the end of the day? The sexy time with our partner?

    We rarely name those things, so we we don't notice them as much. H&P makes these parts of our lives explicit and helps us see that your life, in fact, is not only hustle.