reflection & social distance go hand in hand

In times of chaos outside of our control, a reminder of where we’ve been, where we are right now, and a chance to ask ourselves what we need going forward will help feelings of anxiety, paralysis, and any other symptom that might be coming up.

Motivation to do anything might be lacking as fear takes over.  It’s essential to allow these feelings, remember to breathe; and when there is a moment of pause — turn to grounding exercises that connect us to the earth. Incense, essential oils, and calming music can do wonders for our nervous system.

Once we are a bit regulated, we can attempt to take this time for ourselves; and see this collective moment as a chance for spaciousness rather than pure panic and fear.

We can perhaps even consider these larger questions:

How can we listen to the lessons the universe is teaching us, ask ourselves meaningful questions, and come out on the other side with new, useful perspective?

If we each took the time to do this for ourselves, how might that benefit the whole of our communities?

If you have our workbook, perhaps journal a bit longer with each prompt.  Really dive deep into each question and see where your heart takes your responses.

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And if you feel called, perhaps take even more time with these questions to reflect on in this specific moment:

Right now…

  • How I am feeling in my body:

  • How I am feeling in my heart:

  • How I am feeling in my head:

In this 3rd month of 2020…

  • I am feeling most proud of:

  • My biggest learnings of the year have been:

  • A shift I’d like to make to ensure the rest of the year serves me is:

Going forward, I really want to make sure I spend my time…

  • Noticing:

  • Remembering to:

  • Doing:

If you want to dive even deeper into our framework and begin to use this reflection to build structure into your days, now it a great time to get your hands on one of our remaining workbooks

We are happy to offer a 50% discount during this crisis, just enter the code SOCIALDISTANCE at checkout.

We’re all in this together -- hop over to our FB Group for an ongoing convo about how to make best use of this time, or even get on a call with Morgan our Creator to discuss how Hustle & Play™ might work for you right now.  


“mommy, I wake up!” -gratitude in times of crisis